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距今五、六百年前的泰国,时局动荡,阴阳逆反。邪恶阴险的军官Rajasena发动叛乱,夺取政权,为此展开大规模的血腥屠杀。少年泰恩出身于一个正直的武将家庭,他的父母双亲皆被叛军杀害。泰恩侥幸逃脱,然而才出龙潭,又入虎穴,他被迫与凶猛的鳄鱼同处一池。泰恩面对鳄鱼时的果敢引起夫毕克匪帮的头目车南的注意,车南将少年留在部落里,延请各路流派的好手教习泰恩格斗技巧。经过多年的磨练,泰恩(托尼·贾 Tony Jaa 饰)终于成长为身怀绝技的高手,并接任车南晋升为匪帮的新任首领。虽然数年过去,但他始终没有忘记Rajasena加诸在其家族身上的厄运,他开始走上一条充满血腥和艰险的复仇之路……
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A young soldier killed in Vietnam inexplicably shows up to his family home one night.
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绰号巴比龙的亨利·查理尔(史蒂夫·麦奎因 Steve McQueen饰)正要被流放到圭亚那一个名为“魔鬼岛”的苦役营终身服刑。查理尔因被控杀害一名皮条客而被捕入狱,可他始终认为自己是冤枉的。在押运船上,身强力壮的查理尔保护了一个带着眼镜狡猾的知识分子路易斯·德加(达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman饰)。为了洗刷自己的罪名,查理尔从他踏上“魔鬼岛”的第一天起,就开始在德加的帮助下策划越狱逃跑。然而“魔鬼岛”地处荒蛮之地,四面环水,并且到处流行着可怕的疾病。查理尔一次又一次地逃狱,又一次再一次地被捉回。十多年来,他仍孤注一掷地抱着一袋椰壳跳下大海逃生。 美国经典越狱冒险剧情片《巴比龙》,根据法国囚犯亨利·查理尔于1969年发表的同名畅销书籍《巴比龙》改编而成。巴比龙是亨利·查理尔的绰号,绰号得名于他胸前蝴蝶形的纹身。本片荣获1974年第46届奥...
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After a holiday visit with his parents, Mikey is headed to the airport to return to his wife and newborn baby. Except he doesn’t board the plane. Instead he returns to his parents’ loft in lower Manhattan, back to his childhood room that has since been converted to storage. Unsure of his own motivations, he makes up excuses about why he’s staying – his flight is delayed, his flight is cancelled. A day passes, and then another, and he calls home and work to say he can’t return just yet – his parents are getting old, his parents are ill, time is too short. His doting mother is more than happy to enable his procrastination, while his artist father is suspicious. From afar, his confused wife grows increasingly unsettled. Meanwhile Mikey moves back into his room, digging out notebooks and mementos, calling on old friends. As the days go on he becomes more and more entrenched in his adolescent sanctuary, and comes to a point where he must choose between life as it is and life as it was. --© Official Site
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一年前,德州女孩妮可·卡洛(詹米·亚历山大 Jaimie Alexander 饰)与男友杰西·希尔斯(乔伊·曼迪西诺 Joey Mendicino 饰)在前往洛杉矶的途中神秘失踪,至今下落不明。杰西的哥哥汤姆(理查德·提尔曼 Richard Tillman 饰)退役回到家乡,他一心寻找失踪的弟弟,于是约上女友玛丽莲(杰茜·沃德 Jessie Ward 饰)和好友杰拉德(格莱姆·诺瑞斯 Graham Norris 饰),三人驾着小卡车踏上前往洛杉矶的旅途。 在一个加油站老板(史蒂文·瑞尔斯拜克 Steve Railsback 饰)的提示下,他们行驶到妮可二人失踪的旧公路上。偶然机缘,三人分开,而恐怖神秘的黄色小卡车再次出现,他们各自经历了人生中最惊悚与离奇的时刻……
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A group of diverse individuals are suddenly taken from their homes and flown via helicopter to a futuristic bomb shelter in the desert, one-third of a mile below the surface of the Earth. There, they learn that a nuclear holocaust is taking place and that they've been "chosen" by computer to survive in the shelter in order to continue the human race. The shelter is designed to allow the people to exist underground comfortably for years, but they are faced with a threat nobody could have predicted: a colony of thousands of bloodthirsty vampire bats finds a way into the shelter and launches a series of vicious attacks where they claim the humans one by one.
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In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafarer of them all. He killed for the reputation, and his reputation has become legend. Now, for the first time, comes the true story of pirate Edward Teach, the man who terrorized the seas. Written by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
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纽约的布朗克斯是个毒品贩子聚集的街区,维克多(约翰·雷圭扎莫饰)就在这里贩卖一种叫做“帝国”的加了杂质的海洛因。看上去这种买卖还不错,起码维克多现在过着舒适的生活,而且还有一个漂亮的女友卡门。 当发现女友身怀六甲后,维克多才开始意识到这种充满了风险的买卖不再适合自己,他决心在合法的领域里干一番事业,因为看上去维克多还是有一些商业才华的,这几年他在投资领域还是颇有建树,那些不太干净的钱用来买微软、IBM等大公司的股票,还给维克多带来不少收益。 一天,女友卡门带着维克多参加了一个小型晚会,在这里维克多认识了投资银行家杰克(彼得·萨斯盖德)两个男人发现了他们身上的共同点。于是维克多在杰克的帮助下,开始野心勃勃地向着上流社会挺进。潜藏的本性与不可预知的新环境,是孕育着更多的机会,还是包藏着更多的危险呢......